Installing Jackett On Seedbox Server

Jacket is one of the best tools to connect your seedbox apps to more torrent indexers. If you have installed previously with Mono then follow up with the initial server cleanup as Jackett is available for some time now as a stand-alone version of software! Let’s get started.

Cleaning up server

First step is to clean up the system of previous installs or mono if you have previously set up jackett with mono.

systemctl stop jackett yes service jackett stop
apt remove --purge mono-*
apt autoremove
rm -R /opt/Jackett yes rm -R /votre/repertoire

Lets now remove jackett previous installs , we will be showing examples of two OS Debian 10 and Debian 9. Please set up accordingly if you have a differnt OS:


For Debian 10:

systemctl disable jackett 
rm /etc/systemd/system/jackett.service
systemctl daemon-reload

For Debian 9 :

update-rc.d jackett remove
rm /etc/init.d/jackett

Once you have removed the old version of your jackett from your system ( If you have never installed jackett for your seedbox, then you don’t need to worry about it.)

Installing Jackett

Now that you have cleaned up your system , installing jackett is pretty easy and straight forward:
For most 64 bit architecture run the below commands
v=$(wget -q -O - | grep -E  tag_name | awk -F '[""]' '{print $4}')
tar xvf Jackett.Binaries.LinuxAMDx64.tar.gz
rm Jackett.Binaries.LinuxAMDx64.tar.gz

Creating Jackett User

Now that jackett is installed in your system , you just need to create a user to access it on your system.
To create the user you need to run the below shell commands
adduser jackett --system --group --shell=/bin/sh
chown -R jackett:jackett /opt/Jackett
Installation of service
cd Jackett/

Now open up the instance for jaccket with your ip address and port 9117 (eg-

And then set up the new password when it prompts for it


Installing Jackett on Seedbox server


This is a staging enviroment