IPtorrent Autodlirrsi Rutorrent Seedbox

=IPT Autodl=

Go to

IPtorrent Autodlirrsi rutorrent seedbox

And complete the irc server detalies of IPT

IPtorrent Autodlirrsi rutorrent seedbox

server: irc.iptorrents.com
port: 6667
nick: your site username
password: what passwd you like (you must remember it because you can’t change this password)
email: registred email from IPT
Press NEW
irc channel: #ipt.announce

Now go to

IPtorrent Autodlirrsi rutorrent seedbox

IPtorrent Autodlirrsi rutorrent seedbox

You find your passkey in you IPT profile page

IPtorrent Autodlirrsi rutorrent seedbox

Next go to

IPtorrent Autodlirrsi rutorrent seedbox

many want the filter to grab all freeleech

here is it

IPtorrent Autodlirrsi rutorrent seedboxIPtorrent Autodlirrsi rutorrent seedboxIPtorrent Autodlirrsi rutorrent seedbox

[filter IPT free]
match-releases = *
match-sites = ipt
max-downloads = 30
rt-dir = /home/<user>/downloads
rt-label = IPT
rt-priority = high
upload-type = rtorrent
max-downloads-per = day
freeleech = true

But also you can customize the autodl filter with any categories or matching name

categories put in Match categories from the following

IPtorrent Autodlirrsi rutorrent seedbox

All Credits goes to original uploader at Torrent-invites.org

This is a staging enviroment