X2GO On Seedbox With Ubuntu
Connect to your server/seedbox with SSH as root or as sudoer and at the prompt type:
apt-get update
then install common software properties and python software properties packages:
apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties
then add X2GO software repository:
add-apt-repository ppa:x2go/stable
then type:
apt-get update
and install X2GO server software:
apt-get install x2goserver x2goserver-xsession
once the installation is complete, reboot your server/seedbox:
Now, you have to choose which Desktop GUI to install. For this tutorial, I chose two of the best working ones for this, Ubuntu Mate (a more known and used Ubuntu GUI based on the mixture of Gnome and Mate) and a lightweight XFCE Desktop GUI.
I personally use Ubuntu Mate, just because I am used to Gnome environment.
So, in order to install XFCE, type:
apt-get install xfce4
after the iinstallatoion is complete, reboot your server/seedbox:
After the reboot, install X2GO client on your PC, add the login credentials and select XFCE from the Desktop Session drop down list.
In order to install Ubuntu Mate Remix, we need to add Ubuntu Mate repository:
apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/ppa
and then:
apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/trusty-mate
and then update the repositories we added with:
apt-get update
Now, we can install the Ubuntu Mate Remix:
apt-get install ubuntu-mate-core ubuntu-mate-desktop
after the installation is complete, reboot your server/seedbox:
After the reboot, install X2GO client on your PC, add the login credentials and select MATE from the Desktop Session drop down list.
That’s it.
After this tutorial, you will have full Desktop GUI on your server/seedbox on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
All Credits go to : Gee-Wiz