Dedisreturn seedbox ReviewadminJanuary 4, 2021 Seedbox Dedireturn seems to be a good seedbox package with their basic series starting from 19.99$ Cost per GBt is around 0.04$ which is pretty low, the space is ample for 5Tb uploads and the servers are in France. The FTP speeds are good and it has one of the fastest support .The speeds are consistent and havent have had no downtime so far M-Wing1 Month Price – $19.99 USDCeleron/Atom 1.2-1.8Ghz+2GB500GB100MBIT5TB(10mbit after) A-Wing1 Month Price – $31.99 USDAtom 230/D4252GB1TB100MBIT5TB(10mbit after) C-Wing1 Month Price – $38.99 USDAtom 330/N28004GB2x500GB100MBIT5TB(10mbit after) D-Wing1 Month Price – $49.99 USDi3 2130 2×3.4GHz8GB2x1TB100MBIT5TB(10mbit after) X-Wing1 Month Price – $69.99 USDIntel i3 2130 2×3.4GHz16GB2x1TB100MBIT5TB(10mbit after)
Seedbox, Seedbox Tools Deluge Autodl-Irssi To achieve this goal we need to use the plugin for autodlirssi plugin built for rutorrent. You don’t need to even install […]
Seedbox Seedbox Windows If you are looking for a windows seedbox , there is not probably much option out there , but if you want […]