Pulsedmedia Seedbox Limited Promo Codes

2009+ LARGE: 500Gb HDD, 2000Mb rTorrent RAM, 100Mbps Unlimited Traffic. 25.99€ per month!
2009+ MEDIUM: 250Gb HDD, 1000Mb rTorrent RAM, 100Mbps Unlimited Traffic. 16.99€ per month!
2009+ SMALL: 115Gb HDD, 250Mb rTorrent RAM, 100Mbps Unlimited Traffic. 9.99€ per month!
2009+ Starter: 70Gb HDD, 250Mb rTorrent RAM, 20Mbps Unlimited Traffic. 6.99€ per month!

But wait! Now you get a chance to save big, with one of the following options!
FIRST MONTH 60% OFF! Use code at checkout: 201405frsb60
With that coupon you can get a seedbox for first month as low as 2.79€ ! :O Or a bigger and faster one for 6.79€ with 250Gb Storage! Now that is quite an steal!

FIRST QUARTER 40% OFF! Use code at checkout: 201405frsb40
With that coupon you can get a starter box for 3months at a cool, low price of 12.42€ :O Or the Medium one with just 29.7€ for the 3months!

PERMANENT 20% OFF! Use code at checkout: 201405frsb20
And any payment cycle to boot! Here you can GET A box for just 57.50€ for a WHOLE year! Basicly a few FREE months, what a sweet deal, ain’t it?

Please note, all of these are limited number and limited time offers. So act while it lasts!
You can check all the 2009+ Series offers at: http://pulsedmedia.com/rtorrent-semidedicated-seedbox-2009plus.php

Setup will happen in just a few business days 🙂PulsedMedia seedbox review

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